Self-help, Self-Growth, Self-Improvement, Personal Development… are these terms synonyms? If you have ever wondered about this, you are not alone; this is one of those questions that has no straightforward and cut answer.

While these terms are interrelated and inter-connected -and even used interchangeably- each refers to a specific area of the overall growth of an individual.

Looking at one’s self entails an honest evaluation of our attributes, attitudes, capacities, weaknesses and strengths, among other factors.

The way in which a person feels, thinks, and acts stems from their understanding of themself.

This is connected to a wide variety of factors –from genetic to environmental- that affect a person’s inward and outward disposition in life.

However, let us acknowledge that despite our circumstances and disposition, we all share something in common: Every person has the goal of projecting an image of success (whatever success entails for each one of us), which enables us to significantly contribute to a broader realm of life, outside of ourselves.

Searching for a well-meaning life is what drives a person to reinvent themself in the light of so many personal development strategies. This is not only encouraging but gives purpose and meaning to one’s life. Some choose to self-help themselves to get better in one area. As they do, they experience self-improvement, and when several areas are improved upon, they go through self-growth.

Several sociological and psychological theories propel a person into a self-growth path. Yet, directing energies to systematically and substantially improve the self must start from within. Thus, the desire to learn is the #1 element which catalyzes to initiate the self-growth of an individual.

Differences and Similarities

Here is a good head start to help you understand the differences and similarities of these basic terms:

  • Self-help
    This is the act of learning a certain behaviour and strategy with the intention of acquiring a particular trait and habit. The purpose is to enhance a particular area of oneself. People who engage in methodologies to help themselves have the courage and will to improve by themselves and without the assistance of their external environment; hence, the self part of “self-help.” They are also able to recognize the change within themselves, which has an effect on their attitude, self-esteem and self-confidence. In this aspect, self-help happens “within” and you are the judge of your changes as well as of the degree of such changes
  • Self-improvement

    This is the aim and the ideal result of any self-help program, i.e. the achievement of a specific goal from a learned technique in a book or training. In his way, it springs from the desire to make something better and from having taken action on it. Moreover, your attained improvement can be perceived and noticed by other people in the world “without.” Self-improvement encompasses the enhancement of oneself in one or more aspects of the self: psychologically, physically, emotionally, socially, mentally, spiritually, and financially – which reflects total well-being.

  • Self-Growth

    This refers to integrating all the life experiences, encompassing all that has been learned and gained, as well as the personal values and attributes of a person in order to achieve a well-rounded life. Spiritual Growth fits under this category as well. 

  • Personal Development

    This is the model that promotes a valuable and larger perspective of a person’s holistic endeavours ; thus, you are developing yourself into a more complete individual. From self-help to self-improvement techniques and the evolution that comes from these experiences for self-growth, all incorporate sociological and psychological changes in the “self” and all of this falls under the umbrella of Personal Development

    To better illustrate such a defined structure, think of it this way: Personal development considers your goals from a comprehensive perspective, meaning that you will develop yourself into the person you want to become by learning either through self-help methodologies or as a part of a group with the intention of self-improvement.

    Another definition could be: Personal development can be done with or without assistance, and it is geared towards achieving self-improvement and overall self-growth.

    Some areas of the self can be improved upon with self-help programs; however, some other areas may require the guidance of others external to the self, i.e. teachers, coaches and mentors which can provide interactions that may be needed and important to achieve a more comprehensive self-growth experience. Of course, this depends on the area in which the person is seeking self-improvement and on the person .

In General…

In general terms, self-help and self-improvement are essentially driven by the self, either going it alone or being guided/assisted by books, online courses and training, etc.

On the other hand, personal development tends to consider both, the experiences initiated by the self and the experiences gained from the interactions with others, resulting in a more comprehensive experience for self-growth.

A word of caution: Since empowering oneself relies mainly on a set of norms and principles which one is found to be biased, some people will see the self-help experience incomplete. Thus, in seeking a more comprehensive self-growth, one must eventually expand the realm of personal development to include learning from and contributing to a community or society.

In other words, the power of the information learned in self-help books will only be valuable to the extent in which the knowledge acquired is shared with others and contributed to society. This is the essence of a well-rounded life.

Here is a real-life example of these terms combined:

Let’s say you want to learn public speaking. You attend an online class or read a book on how to do just that. This step was initiated by your desire to improve upon something from the self.

This is the self-help aspect of your self-growth. As a result, you give better speeches to your audience. This is the self-improvement area that is noticed by others.

In doing so, you will have enhanced your personal development, and as such, you will have added to your self-growth and to the self-growth of those to whom you have delivered your speech.


Tania Gabrielle is an astrologer, numerologist, and psychic. She is the creator of Numerology Academy - the first online certification course in Astro-Numerology. The course has been taught to thousands of students across 37 countries.

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