
Self Help


Being likeable is a key to building strong relationships and thriving in social settings. Whether you’re at work, with friends, or meeting new people, your ability to connect and leave a positive impression matters. This test is designed to help you reflect on your interpersonal skills and discover how likeable you are. By honestly assessing your behaviors and attitudes, you can identify areas for improvement and enhance your social interactions. Ready to find out where…

Self-talk, inner chatter, on-going self dialog, the little voice in our heads… either you are conscious of it or not, we all do it… all day long. From the moment we are born, we are interacting with and absorbing information from our surrounding environment. This is how we grow up, by relating to, connecting with and learning from the encounters and events that happen around us. In time, we become creatures of habit and develop…

Do you remember all the hype regarding Virtual Reality about 10 years ago? If you believed what the experts were saying back then, we would be spending our time today exploring alternative worlds and having a lot of fun with adventures as special agents, powerful warriors or even superheroes … all as if we were really living the experience right there and then. Sadly, technology has not gotten quite there … and maybe it never…

Reiki is a Japanese Healing Art based on ancient wisdom. From health to financial abundance, Reiki can be used to create abundance in every aspect of life. The word itself derives from two elements. ‘Rae’, which means Universal, and ‘Ki’ that refers to Life Force Energy, or that which gives us life. Thus we can refer to Rei-ki as The Universal Life Force Energy or the vital energy that’s we are connected to through breath. Every time we breathe, we bring into ourselves this Universal Life Energy. It…