
Law Of Attraction


Yellow is often associated with sunlight, warmth, and brightness; its spiritual connotations spans cultures and traditions around the world. Yellow can represent joy, enlightenment, creativity – however its meanings can be nuanced and varied depending on culture or tradition. We will discuss various spiritual meanings associated with yellow that affect emotions, thoughts and spiritual well-being in this article. Yellow’s Significance in Cultures For centuries, yellow has been revered as a sacred color across cultures. For…

When abundance and prosperity are your goals, there are simple techniques to use in order to achieve all that you desire. This doesn’t need to be difficult either. Too often, I talk to folks who complicate the idea of creating abundance in their lives. First of all, get into the mindset that while you have goals and dreams that you’d like to see manifest in the physical world, they all begin with what you create…

Self-help, Self-Growth, Self-Improvement, Personal Development… are these terms synonyms? If you have ever wondered about this, you are not alone; this is one of those questions that has no straightforward and cut answer. While these terms are interrelated and inter-connected -and even used interchangeably- each refers to a specific area of the overall growth of an individual. Looking at one’s self entails an honest evaluation of our attributes, attitudes, capacities, weaknesses and strengths, among other factors. The way…

People usually associate subliminal messaging with mind control and other CIA-related things and expect that anyone exposed to it will immediately turn into some kind of killing machine, or will start speaking Spanish like he was born in Spain, or… Well, we can’t talk about mind control (I haven’t tried that one yet, sorry 🙂 ), but the submittals are something we know a thing or two about – and it’s nothing like that. When…

A soul tribe is a group of like-minded individuals who come together to support and encourage one another on their spiritual journey. A soul tribe is more than just a group of friends; it’s a group of people who understand your spiritual quest and are there to help you every step of the way. If you’re feeling lost or alone on your spiritual journey, finding a soul tribe can be a lifesaver. In this blog…

The old saying goes, “When you feel a buzz in your ear, someone somewhere is either thinking about you or talking about you.” The meaning behind this phrase is that when people think of you and mention your name, some people will hear ringing in their ears as if they were being called. Other variations say that it may happen when someone is considering you favourably. Others just associate it with rumours and hate. Do…

We all think about the people in our lives constantly, but sometimes, it can be hard to tell if someone is thinking about us just as much. If you’re wondering whether that special someone can’t stop thinking about you, here are seven signs to look for. Spiritual signs that someone is thinking about you There are many spiritual signs that someone is thinking about you. One of the most common is a sudden feeling of…

Imagine something you want to attract. Do you think you are good enough to get it? Do you think you deserve to have it? Do you trust yourself? If you answered NO to one or more of these questions, you need to know some strategies to achieve attraction in your life. Think of a negative person: They don’t see themselves as being able to prosper, achieve their goals or attract what they want. He tries,…

“We do not attract what we want; we attract what we are”. The law of attraction tells us that everything in this universe is energy, material things and everything that we cannot see but know exists. Our thoughts are energy and that energy emits vibrations, which attract things or situations that vibrate in the same tune. We are using the word “things”, but we are talking about thoughts, feelings, people, objects, situations and everything else…

Self-limiting beliefs are often unconscious. They act in your mind like computer programs, which determine your actions according to those concepts. By removing them, through these seven simple steps, you will not only move towards a happier life but also discover the possibility of achieving much more than you ever imagined. Step 1: Identify and list your self-limiting beliefs. Divide a piece of paper into seven columns. Use it in a horizontal position to ensure…