One of the human beings’ greatest desires is to live a whole and happy life. That’s why we are always looking for a relationship capable of fulfilling our needs. But we only sometimes attract the right person for this, do we? Would you like to know how Numerology in Love can explain this?

If so, you’ve come to the right place!

Tarologist answers how Numerology in Love can help you understand this tendency of personalities that you attract into your life. Do you want more? Then check it out below:

Numerology in Love and the people you attract

It is expected that many people seek answers to their questions in the stars, in the colors, in the elements of nature, and why not in numbers, too.

Numerology, considered by some to be the study of the Greek philosopher Pythagoras and by others as old as humanity itself, is one of the ways we use to unravel some critical issues in human life. After all, we arrived at this plane without an instruction manual, without a guidebook that would indicate which way or which choices we should follow.

The numbers would be like indicators of the way of the stones, which step is safer to take than others. From them, we can understand some of the workings of our personality, our characteristics, and, mainly, what we end up making cyclical in our lives.

A numerological map has three main numbers:

  • The Destiny number, which determines what moves us internally;
  • The Expression number, which determines how we treat the world around us;
  • The Impression number, which determines how we treat ourselves.
  • The other numbers will reveal what we have to take care of and balance in our journeys.

I want to discuss in this text whether numerology explains the kind of person I attract.

First of all, it is essential to know that the function of any oracle or study is like a compass: The hands point in the direction of polarities, but the compass itself does not really see what certain aspects, angles, and changing inclinations the path may have. This depends a lot on how much one is willing to live, learn from what one has lived, and transform.

That said, numerology can identify which essential aspects exist in your trait. In what way do your eyes primarily see certain aspects of life? This concerns the starting point of your desires, but different from what you want in the time of now.

Sometimes, we encounter experiences that bring us certain kinds of sensations, and like a child who tries chocolate ice cream for the first time, his desire to drink a whole tub is much greater than his desire to try other flavors.

Numerological research

A numerological study can show you that, in fact, essentially, you may want to consume certain kinds of sensations as fire. Still, it does not hold the basis of “wanting” that is developed by your experience with life, by your rational determinant, and by the values you decide to attach to your life.

Just as some people numerologically have traits linked to spiritual ancestry, sometimes they go years without feeling or taking responsibility for a spiritualized life or having some religious belief in their life.

Numerology can be a personal guide to avoid getting lost, but it will always be able to follow and order which path you should follow. It is not a sentence, as no other oracle is, and in love, it would be the same.

Since affective issues depend on two people, affinities are traced in a couple’s numerological chart. These are the harmonic determinants between the couple and the challenging aspects for both to have an experience together.

In a study in which we do mirroring, for example, we can identify our defects. When we don’t take care of them, they bother us, and when we recognize them in certain people, we have the habit of repelling them as a result.

This could be a function of stabilization and balance of the universal harmony, which may or may not match your numerological chart.

It all depends on which seasonings of life you are in.

How do I find out my Impression Number?

Knowing your Impression Number makes it easier to understand if you need to help certain behaviors or traits to convey precisely the image you want of yourself.

To access your Impression Number, you need to do a Numerology Map, and this has to be done with a specialist. Only he will guide you through this knowledge in a much more beneficial way.

Take advantage of this hook and get to know the work of Sabrina Freitas, our numerologist, who helped us bring this incredible content to you. Together with her, you will be able to understand what people want from you and what you want to give them.

Meaning of each of the print numbers


When this is your number, it means that people see you with a leadership attitude and are pretty individualistic. However, they also think that you have original and brilliant ideas. The warning would be for your attitudes that can sound aggressive.


To people, you can appear very diplomatic and careful in your actions and even your speech. People understand that you have a compassionate and passive side, but they are irritated by your indecisiveness.


This is a number for people who are very curious, creative, and restless. Having the impression number 3 means that you appear to be a lovely person who knows how to deal with everyone and is always up for a good time. People may find you too distracted and, therefore, not trust you at first.


To people, you will appear very serious and responsible. People tend to trust you quickly because your reputation is excellent. After all, you care a lot about what others will think.


If you are a Number 5 native, you will surely have heard people say that you are someone free, different, and curious. The truth is that you are very open to getting to know others, and also to venturing out on trips and diverse interests. This is why you quickly charm the people around you.


Possessing 6 as the way people see you is excellent. You are a super friendly, fun-loving person who knows how to put up with any intrigue. People tend to like you a lot but can get irritated by your need for harmony all the time.


People usually view natives of number 7 with a lot of mystery. This is because you probably don’t open up at first and like to get to know people before you give yourself away. You show yourself to be a knowledgeable person, and you don’t talk about just anything, but when you do, it is because you really know.


Powerful! This is how people see you, and because of this, you cause respect wherever you go. Some people may be afraid; others may be jealous. You have to be careful who you get involved with; after all, your ambition can get you into complicated situations.


Anyone who has the last number in numerology is always going to bring evolved characteristics. That is why people will see you as very humanitarian, charismatic, and always willing to teach something for life.

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How Can You Improve Intimacy in A Relationship?

Numerology, the ancient practice of interpreting the mystical significance of numbers, has long been used to gain insights into various aspects of life, including relationships. One fascinating application of numerology is its ability to explain the type of person you attract. By understanding your life path number and the numerological vibrations around you, you can gain deeper insights into your relationship patterns and preferences.

Understanding Life Path Numbers

Your life path number is derived from your birthdate and is considered one of the most significant numbers in numerology. It represents your core personality, life purpose, and the type of energy you emit into the world. To calculate your life path number, simply add all the digits of your birthdate until you get a single-digit number or a master number (11, 22, or 33).

For example, if your birthdate is April 15, 1990, you would calculate it as follows: 4 + 1 + 5 + 1 + 9 + 9 + 0 = 29, then 2 + 9 = 11.

In this case, your life path number would be 11, a master number.

The Energy You Emit

Each life path number carries a specific energy that influences not only your personality but also the type of person you are likely to attract. Here is a brief overview of how different life path numbers might attract certain types of people:

  1. Life Path 1: Independent and ambitious, you attract partners who are strong-willed, confident, and supportive of your goals.
  2. Life Path 2: Diplomatic and sensitive, you draw in compassionate, nurturing individuals who value harmony and emotional connection.
  3. Life Path 3: Creative and expressive, you magnetize enthusiastic, fun-loving people who appreciate your zest for life.
  4. Life Path 4: Practical and hardworking, you attract reliable, stable partners who value security and loyalty.
  5. Life Path 5: Adventurous and freedom-loving, you draw in spontaneous, adaptable individuals who enjoy new experiences.
  6. Life Path 6: Responsible and caring, you attract nurturing, family-oriented partners who value commitment and love.
  7. Life Path 7: Intellectual and introspective, you magnetize thoughtful, introspective people who appreciate deep conversations and personal growth.
  8. Life Path 8: Ambitious and disciplined, you attract successful, goal-oriented partners who appreciate your drive and determination.
  9. Life Path 9: Compassionate and humanitarian, you draw in empathetic, altruistic individuals who share your vision for a better world.
  10. Life Path 11: Inspirational and intuitive, you attract spiritually minded, visionary partners who resonate with your higher ideals.
  11. Life Path 22: Master builders and practical visionaries, you attract ambitious, grounded individuals who share your passion for creating lasting impact.
  12. Life Path 33: Loving and selfless, you draw in compassionate, service-oriented partners who value deep, meaningful connections.

The Influence of Personal Year Numbers

In addition to your life path number, your personal year number, which changes annually, can also influence the type of relationships you attract. This number is calculated by adding the digits of your birthdate to the current year and reducing it to a single digit or master number. Your personal year number represents the themes and energies that will dominate your life during that year, including your relationships.

For example, if you are in a personal year 5, you might attract more adventurous, free-spirited partners, while a personal year 2 might draw in more nurturing, emotionally supportive relationships.


Numerology offers a unique lens through which to understand the types of people you attract and the dynamics of your relationships. By exploring your life path number and personal year number, you can gain valuable insights into your romantic patterns and preferences, helping you navigate the complex world of relationships with greater awareness and understanding.


Tania Gabrielle is an astrologer, numerologist, and psychic. She is the creator of Numerology Academy - the first online certification course in Astro-Numerology. The course has been taught to thousands of students across 37 countries.

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