We all think about the people in our lives constantly, but sometimes, it can be hard to tell if someone is thinking about us just as much. If you’re wondering whether that special someone can’t stop thinking about you, here are seven signs to look for.

Spiritual signs that someone is thinking about you

There are many spiritual signs that someone is thinking about you. One of the most common is a sudden feeling of warmth or tingling in your body, which is often accompanied by a sense of knowing or awareness. This usually happens when the person thinking about you is sending you positive energy and thoughts. Other spiritual signs include seeing repetitive numbers or sequences (such as 111, 222, 333, 444, 555, 666, 777, 888 and 999), finding coins or other objects with significant meaning, and experiencing synchronicities (meaningful coincidences).

The law of attraction signals that someone is thinking about you.

If you’ve ever felt a sudden surge of happiness or love for no reason, it could be because the law of attraction is at work. So, the next time you suddenly feel a wave of warmth or happiness, know that it’s because the law of attraction is working in your favour!

Do you have a strong intuition that someone is thinking about you? Certain signs can indicate whether someone is constantly thinking about you.

If you’re wondering if that special someone can’t get you out of their head, here are 7 signs that they’re thinking about you all the time.

1. They Always Seem To Be Around

If you have a sneaking suspicion that someone is always around, it could be a sign that they’re thinking about you constantly. Whether they’re showing up at the same places you frequent or always seem to be in your orbit, this could be a clear sign that they can’t get you out of their head.

2. They Can’t Stop Smiling Around You

Do you catch the person smiling at you all the time, even when there’s no real reason to smile? This could be another sign that they’re constantly thinking about you and how much they enjoy your company. Pay attention to whether their smiles seem genuine and warm; if so, your suspicions are likely correct.

3. They Get Nervous Around You

If someone seems to get nervous or tongue-tied around you, it could be because they’re worried about making a good impression. This may mean that they’ve been thinking about you a lot and want to make sure that everything goes well when they’re around you. While nerves can sometimes just be butterflies, if this behaviour is out of character for the person in question, it’s worth considering as a possibility.

4. They Never Forget Your Birthday

It’s lovely when someone always remembers your birthday and goes out of their way to make it memorable for you. It shows that they care about you and think about you often.

5. They Remember the Little Things

If someone is constantly thinking about you, they will remember the little things that are important to you. They will know how you like your coffee in the morning, what type of books you want to read, and the little things that make you happy. When you talk to them, they will always be interested in what you have to say, and they will remember the details of your conversations.

6. They Go Out Of Their Way To Help You.

If someone is always ready and willing to help you with anything that you need, it’s a sign that they care about you and that they want to make sure that you’re happy and comfortable. This type of behaviour usually indicates that the person has strong feelings for you and wants to do whatever they can to make your life easier.

7. They Start To Act Differently Around You

If you notice that someone you know starts to act differently around you, it could be a sign that they are constantly thinking about you. They may begin to act more nervously or seem more awkward than usual.

Additionally, they may go out of their way to do things for you or try to spend more time with you. If you notice these changes in someone’s behaviour, it could be a sign that they are thinking about you a lot.

How do you feel if someone is thinking of you?

It’s always exciting to know that someone is thinking of you. Whether it’s a close friend, family member, or even a crush, it feels good to know that someone is thinking about you. It’s a sign that they care about you and are interested in what’s going on in your life. Even if they’re just thinking about how you’re doing, it still feels nice to know that you’re on their mind.

Is it valid that if you are thinking about someone, they are thinking about you?

If you’re thinking about someone, it means they’re important to you, and you care about them. And if they’re thinking about you, too, it’s a sign that they care about you just as much. It’s an excellent way of feeling connected to someone even when you’re not physically together.


It can be really flattering to know that someone is constantly thinking about you, but it can also be a bit overwhelming. Pay attention to how the person acts around you and see if any of these signs match up. With a little bit of detective work, you should be able to tell pretty quickly whether someone is constantly thinking about you.


Tania Gabrielle is an astrologer, numerologist, and psychic. She is the creator of Numerology Academy - the first online certification course in Astro-Numerology. The course has been taught to thousands of students across 37 countries.

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